Bitcoin to Bit Conversion

Amid the ongoing debate between proponents of satoshis (sats) and bits, this page provides a bitcoin to bits converter to help users easily understand bitcoin’s value in smaller units.

Enter the amount of bitcoin to convert to bits in this simple calculator:



This converter works both ways, also allowing you to convert from bits to bitcoin!

What is Bit?

A bit is a subunit of bitcoin, also known as a microbitcoin (μBTC).

How many bits are in a bitcoin?

There are one million bits is a bitcoin. So, one BTC equals 1,000,000 bits.

Why are bits useful?

The use of bits makes the currency more accessible and practical for regular use, similar to how cents work for dollars.

Dealing with the large value of a single coin can be cumbersome for smaller transactions. Hence, the concept of bits emerged organically within the community around 2013-14.

Other units of bitcoin in bits

Bitcoin mirrors the International System of Units and its prefixes. Here are its subunits, expressed in Bits:

  • 1 dBTC (deci-bitcoin) = 0.1 BTC = 100,000 bits
  • 1 cBTC (centi-bitcoin) = 0.01 BTC = 10,000 bits
  • 1 mBTC (milli-bitcoin) = 0.001 BTC = 1,000 bits
  • 1 μBTC (micro-bitcoin) = 0.000001 BTC = 1 bit

Bits vs. sats

In the community, there’s an ongoing debate between the use of bits and satoshis (sats) as subunits. Both serve to break down bitcoin into smaller, more manageable units, but they differ significantly in scale and usability.


  • 1 Bitcoin equals 1,000,000 Bits.
  • Pros:
    • The term “bit” is part of the name “Bitcoin,” making it closely related and easy to associate.
    • The use of bits aligns well with the International System of Units (ISU).
    • Bits and sats mirror the dollar and cent system, making it more intuitive for new users.
  • Cons:
    • Bit” can be confusing, as it is also the most basic unit of information in computing and digital communication.

Satoshis (sats):

  • 1 Bitcoin equals 100,000,000 Satoshis. Check out the bitcoin to satoshi converter.
  • Pros:
    • Useful for extremely precise transactions, often in high-frequency trading or microtransactions.
    • The use of Satoshis mimics the use of cents in relation to dollars, providing a familiar framework.
    • More granular, offering maximum precision.
  • Cons:
    • “Sat” lacks a direct association with Bitcoin, making it harder for new users to grasp.

The choice between bits and satoshis often comes down to preference and context. Bits offer a middle ground that balances simplicity and practicality, making them ideal for most everyday transactions. On the other hand, satoshis provide maximum precision, beneficial in specific scenarios requiring fine detail.

Ultimately, both units enhance Bitcoin’s usability by breaking it down into smaller parts, catering to different needs within the community.